Thursday, May 30, 2013

I love hot tea and and its wonderful soothing powers.  What could be better than a visit from a friend and a cup of tea and maybe some cookies?  Besides a $20 gift certificate to Office Depot, I mean.

I must have sat down in a time machine.   My little baby boy grew up, finished high school, finished college, got married last Saturday and in one month will finish graduate school!  Let me tell you about Adam's lovely new wife.  Her name is Diana and she was born in Guanajuato, Mexico.  She and Adam met at the University of Texas where they are both getting their PhD's in chemistry.  She asked Adam to be her study partner and the rest is Mexican-American history. 

       Diana and Adam     

         Michael, Janet, Diana, Adam, Chris (me) and my Frank

This is me wearing a traditional Mexican dress that I got in Guanajuato.

These are wedding favors that Diana gave out: 
a keychain, a picture frame, slippers to dance in, a jar of candy hearts and a glass box with a little rosary in it to remind us to pray for them as a newlywed couple.

Notes from the past

I have saved a lot of notes in my time.  Here are some from my children, Rebecca, Janet, and Adam.

This one is a legal document that Janet (age 8) made when Adam was a month old.  

I have some from Rebecca, too: 
Found taped to our bathroom mirror one night when we went out and left them with a sitter:

By Rebecca age 9

Adam wrote us this note when he was 10.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today was a great day.  In art I drew a picture.  It's in my backpack and it's censored.  It is a super hero with atomic buggers.
Your son, Adam

I was just reading in my journal about when Frank and I babysat for our grandson Jack for 3 days back when he was three...

Driving from the airport to Rebecca's house Jack looked at me, then turned away.  Then he looked over at me again and said, "Your eyes have cracks.  You want to go to the hospital?"  I found out later that he was talking about the red veins in my eyes!

After Rebecca and Jamey left, we were riding in the car with Jack in the back seat.  I saw the warning on the visor and asked Jack what it meant  He said,"No Squishing Babies".

The first night we stayed with him, I forgot to take him to the potty before bed, so he got up at 9:30 to go.  A little later I heard him sobbing and went into his room.  "I miss Mommy", he said.  He was holding a funny picture of her playing Four Square with rubber gloves.  I lay down with him and he soon fell asleep hugging the picture.

When Rebecca and Jamey came home from their trip we all went to a Mexican restaurant.  Jack put a crayon behind his ear and pretended to be a waiter.  He went to the unoccupied tables and straightened the sugar, salt, and pepper.  He had a coloring sheet folded up like an order pad and would ask people, "You want fries with that?  You want Coke or chocolate milk?"

Then he wanted to go the bathroom so I took him.  He ran ahead of me into a stall and locked the door.  Then he took all his clothes off.  Shortly he informed me he had gone number two and wiped himself.  I was proud, and so were the two ladies standing next to me, I guess.  Finally he unlocked the door.  He had gotten his clothes back on, sort of, except for the shoes and socks.  He showed  me his magnum opus, then we flushed it away.  By the time I got the shoes on and the shirt right side out I felt like it must be April already and not still December.

The best part of the trip was getting so many spontaneous hugs from Jack.  "I love you, Gammie!  I love you Pop-Pop" is still ringing happily in our ears.  He is so loving, affectionate and smart.

Rebecca says now he sleeps with my picture.

                                    Rebecca, Jack, and me