Sunday, August 31, 2014

Chris' sister,  Marianne
(age 10) writes about their 
brother Peter at age 2

Peter is very nice even though he pulls my hair and he also bites and pinches  he is always into mistrif”.  One of the times he through mamas bilfold out the window 2” times he put it in the tolet once with a 10 dollar bill in it.  Onee when you were very small and didnt know how to open the door (at least nobody thought he could) he got out every body was looking for you they look all over in the house but you werent there finily they looked out side in the rain and there you were soking weet sitting down in the sand.  Onee when you just come from the Hospital and were taking your nap Reg and Janet snuck in your room and Reg wasnt spots to but he picked you up and dropp you on the big bed then momey comes in and gets rill mad.  Once you ate a hole bottle of pills and hade to have your stomak pumped ouT.  When you were taking a nap you got up when mama was asleep and ran away, when you were sitting in the street with sand and mud that was black I was riding on my bike and saw you I took you home and boy was mama surprised.  We went to the a&p once and Peter me Chris and Janet stadey in the car you turned on the car and we started baking up and going into this big hiway the people across the street starting yeling and pointing mama finilny came out and stopped the car just in time

Peter is 2” years old He is only a baby we call hem Petey Bo
I love hem vary much I am 10”years old