Sunday, February 22, 2015

I Buy My First Old Postcard

I was with Mama in 1981 at an old rundown antique shop (the kind with farm implements) when I saw a big box of old postcards.  There were hundreds of them! I spent the rest of my time there looking at them, front and back.  Finally I picked only one, and I have loved it ever since.  It had a lovely 46 star U.S. flag on the front, but I bought it because of the message written by a young mother in 1911:

Dear Sister,
Must forgive us for not writing. I am nearly dead with dysentery and the baby has the worst case of measles you ever saw on anybody.  Weighs 10 1/2 lb. is 6 mo. old.  We are expecting the boys to have them next week.
Lovingly, Vista

At that time, I was 31 and Rebecca and Janet were little.  My heart went out to that poor mother and her children.  I prayed for them although the children would be in their 70's by then, and their mother about 95.

Do you know of another rectangle of cardboard that can move a person that much?