Sunday, July 7, 2013

Duck 911!

Here is one of my own Gonka Stories:

Gonka loved the outdoors and had a special way with animals.  Not only could he understand them, but they understood him, too!  One day Gonka heard a duck quacking in his backyard.  He went out there and he saw a mama and papa duck.  They were hungry, so Gonka went back in the house and got them some bread to eat.  Day after day they came back for more bread. 

One day he heard the papa duck quacking in the front yard.  It was not the usual “I want bread” quack; it was a “Help Me!!” quack.  So Gonka grabbed his shotgun and went back outside.  The papa duck quickly led Gonka across the street to the lake where Gonka could see the mama duck was having a fit!  A raccoon was trying to get the eggs in her nest.  Gonka fired a shot in the air and the raccoon ran off.  The ducks were so grateful they couldn’t say a word!

A week later Gonka heard the papa duck in the backyard.  He went out and what do you think he saw?  The mama and papa duck with all their little ducklings had come to say Thank You!

Gonka often visited the duck family at the lake and watched them swim around. 


  1. Another wonderful Gonka story!

  2. What a lovely story! We love it.

  3. This is a favorite for good reason. It does show the old gentleman to have a soft side, no matter how hard he tried to keep it hidden.
