Thursday, July 25, 2013

Montgomery Trip--4 Big Things Celebrated

Since many in our family were not able to attend Adam & Diana's wedding in Mexico, we had a family reception in Montgomery at my mom's house for them.  Here are the 4 big things we celebrated:

  • Wedding reception for Adam and Diana
  • engagement for Laura and Craig
  • engagement for Nikki and Cory
  • New baby arriving around Valentines Day for our daughter,       Janet and her husband, Michael

  • My mom, and sisters Janet and Marianne

    These are my two nieces, Laura and Nikki.  Laura got engaged to Craig  Barton and Nikki got engaged to Cory Clinton.

    Marianne and Stephanie with 2 feral kittens that
    Stephanie tamed in just 2 days!

    Diana & Adam, the newlyweds!

    Reception cake (white cake with white buttercream frosting)!

    Decorating for the reception 


    Country's BBQ for dinner

    Janet (my sister), Peter (brother), me, Marianne (sister)

    Michael & Janet brought us a little gift from Mexico...

    Wh-a-a-a-t?  A BABY!!!!

    Our two grandsons, Jack and Ian with Janet holding 

    a likeness of their new baby--if it's a boy!

    Mamma and her 3 great-grandchildren

    Adam (26) , Frank, Chris, Janet (35), and Michael (35)

    Adam & Diana, Janet (daughter), Janet (sister), 

    Marianne (sister), and Mamma. 

    Diana & Adam with painting of their wedding 

    done by Adam's cousin, Laura Till

    Laura's painting of Diana & Adam's wedding in Mexico

    Diana looks at collection of Adam's childhood drawings

    Family takes a walk after big dinner

    We went to the baseball game 

    and the Biscuits whupped the Blue Wahoos!

    Dinner at the ball game

    Diana and Adam sing a duet!

    Here we are in the Biscuit sky box

    enjoying the baseball game


    1. It was a fantastic trip. I really enjoyed to see everybody again. I can't wait for all the coming weddings!! and for Janet's baby!! Thank you Chris for sharing this great moments :)

    2. Reminds me of another trip...not so long ago. Thanks again for these great posts and pics!

    3. Wow, you did a great job on picking photos to put up, Chris. We have some exciting events coming up. Adam and Diana started off the festivities well.

      We will have to have another Arpin reunion. So good to be hearing about so many fun times.
