Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Old but Flexible

(I have kept copies of some of my old letters.  It's pretty easy to do that now with email.  This was written last summer to my sister, Marianne, when we got our kitchen redone.)

Hey Mair,

Wahoo!  You got your purse back, just like Daddy that time in Quebec when the robbers got his wallet (although you still don't have your wallet).  I know you were upset over losing your goodie pouch, your special notebook and your journal!  

I have had no access to my computer for over a day because they moved everything out of the kitchen (again) to put the new flooring down.  They finally finished tonight at 7:15!  I was about to chew my arm off!  I took pictures, but was too pooped to post at that point.  It looks beautiful and even though the wood is only 3/8 of an inch thick, Frank and I both feel taller in the kitchen. 

I went to the mall on Saturday and tried on some clothes and bought a dress for Adam's wedding.  I was home for about 3 hours when I realized I had my pants on backwards!  This just shows you how adaptable I am.  I really am quite flexible in all kinds of new situations.  Although I found it difficult and a little annoying to sit down, I just accepted it.  Little things don't bother me much.  It wasn't until I tried to stuff a Kleenex in my pocket that things became intolerable and I had to search out the cause of the problem. 
Then it hit me -- for 3 hours Frank hadn't noticed that I had my pants on backwards.  Would he have let me go to church like that??  (I would certainly notice if he had his pants on backwards!)  He is very laid back and I have noticed that as we get older, both of us just do whatever is the easiest thing.  Do you remember that "Cosby Show" episode where Cliff's dad sat on his own hat and the grandmother saw it but didn't say anything about it?  That 's the kind of people we are now.

Love You, Chris

1 comment:

  1. I can sooo relate to being laid back these days. We spent so many years (40 for me) working at Bell and having deadlines to meet, that now, I only meet church & hair appt definite times. However, I don't believe I could be that casual about my pants on backwards...inside out, maybe, but not backwards.
