Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sweet Dreams for Gonka

(Date: 1970's)

Gonk had many criteria that perspective hotels would have to meet, before we actually unpacked our bags. The beds were the highest priority....firm, but not "hard as a bankers heart"! the place also had to have some kind of fresh air....not that crazy "Chinese BLOWER HEAT" (central heating)! that was death itself. So if there was no window to open, he would sometimes prop open the door to the outside a crack, using a chair or whatever he could find. He could get pretty creative with his fresh-air systems. 

Humidity was also very important in order for the sleeping environment to be truly "high-grade". He would often run very hot water in the tub for the steam and heat it would create....especially if it was the middle of winter and he had the outside door open.

I will never forget the time we had found a particularly first class Days Inn around Southern Indiana. Gonk had all of his systems running smoothly and the beds were VERY high grade (I think he may also have consumed the correct medicinal dosage of very mild brandy before bed.)(Doctor's orders). He was up every 40-50 minutes adjusting the crack in the door, and the water in the tub, along with his own fluid levels...this was pretty normal. After about the fifth or sixth "correction" at about 3:25am, he said to me in what seemed like a booming voice...."Chip!...I'M SLEEPING VERY WELL....VERY WELL"!

Neither of us ever forgot that fine establishment, or that night! I think knowing Gonk truly made a Christian out of a lot of people.
I love and miss him still.

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing the old Gonka stories!! I'm so glad Chip wrote them down. He was a great character. And thanks to Chris for sharing!
