Monday, June 24, 2013

Mamma's First E-mail

I copied Mamma's first two e-mails sent in 1998.

(Mamma was 76 and just gotten her first computer.  Her first e-mails started coming through. Adam was 11, Janet was 19, and Rebecca was 23.)

Dear Chris and Family,
I am still trying to get a message to you.  I always forget  something but maybe this time I"ll get it right/  I still can*t find the apostrophe.  Beautiful day here.   the azaleas and dogwood are in full bloon and the temp. is like summer.   What*s the news on Janet ?   Haven*t heard anything about her lately.  I  have to take Nean (86) to buy some new shoes today. Write me/ 
  Love,  Mamma

(the next day:)
Dear Chris,  I got your message--just had to wait a little while like you said.  It came in about 5 minutes after we talked.   I knew that apostrophe had to be there somewhere.  I don't think it's in the same place on a regular typewriter, do you?  That was good news about Janet going to stay in Blowing Rock for the summer--I hope my friend Joyce will invite me to go up there with her again, and I can see Janet's new place.  
       The morning with Nean was a killer.   We went to her favorite store  K Mart  and, as usual, tried on everything they had and came away empty handed.  She did fing a pair of navy pants for summer but  i  IMAGINE  they will have to be returned if things go as they usually do.   We also bought $10  worth of  Ginkosen to improve her memory.  I told her to be sure to let me know if it works.   By that time we didn't  have any more time so  we came back here for some turkey soup I made out of some frozen bones I had from Thankskgiving '96.   It actually was pretty good.   I took Nean home and went on to play bridge at Joan's.   However, we stopped playing early because her grandaughter who is Rebecca's age  came in from Mercer Law School in Macon, Ga. on her way to the coast for spring break.   She said she just wanted to use the bathroom, but we thought if it was our grandaughter we would like a little visit, so we went  home.
 That' all for now.    Wish I could see Adam as Hamlet in the school play!    
 Love,  Mamma
 P.S/  I don't spellcheck.

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