Sunday, June 30, 2013

Meals with Gonka

By my cousin, Chip Arpin

Let's look at a little bit more of Gonk’s funny dinner time sayings. When presented with pork or ham for dinner he would ask if it had been "blessed by the Rabbi". He was't Jewish or anything; he just like to say that.  But if he did eat something that gave him a little "touch of the pip" he could fix most anything with a good dose of "rough-on-rats", his special recipe. This was brandy ("mild brandy" of course) lemon, and honey (water optional).  Heat to desired temperature for the season. This cured many an ailment for Gonk...especially if enough brandy was in the equation!

Of course he also had some funny things to say about restaurants. My favorite was when he was served a bad steak...he would say..."I think if we call the vet we can still save this one"! Or finish up "Mr. Chippelheimer, that'll put hair on yer chest"!  If he ever saw anyone in real trouble, like someone trying to change a flat tire in the pouring rain, or getting a speeding ticket, his favorite saying for this was "That'll make a Christian out of him"!

Gonka in WWI

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