Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Joys of Tea!

I remember the first cup of English Breakfast Tea I ever had.  One of my friends in Bible Study had a husband who was from England.  For some reason, one day she brought me 3 tea bags, and that was the beginning of tea for me.

Sir Walter Scott, the great Scottish author, liked his tea too. Some people credit him with saying--

"Thank God for tea, what would the world do without tea? How did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea." 

Others credit this deep thought to the Rev. Sydney Smith. Whoever said it certainly enjoyed his tea!

Tea originated in China and they used to pour milk in the cup first so the delicate cups wouldn't break from heat of the tea.  Milk also helps to bring out all the rich flavors in the tea.  I like milk in my tea, and just a little sugar.  My favorite tea today is Twinings Pure Rooibos Red Tea (naturally caffeine free).  It tastes just like the strong English Breakfast Tea I love so much, but without the caffeine.

By the way, isn't this a lovely old postcard of Dutch girls with their tea?  I collect old postcards and I'll be sharing some of them with you.

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