Sunday, June 9, 2013

MAY 25, 2013 Pictures (not in order) from Adam & Diana's wedding taken by me, Matt Hunt, Justin Dodge, and Justin Berg

inside our hotel "The Santa Fe"

 Jack and Rebecca at breakfast on our first day

The menu is cream of pecan soup
Chicken Florentine
Mixed vegetables
Wedding cake
and then later in the evening, a hearty soup with a tomato base and shredded chicken with toppings.

The invisible woman was also vacationing in Guanajuato. 

Janet going sight seeing

The Bride & Groom's table

Crazy hats, wigs, masks, balloons, and a 7-foot jester! 
Just your traditional Mexican wedding

On the left are Diana's brother, Edgar, 
his wife Ingrid, and their son, Leo

            Diana and her dad               Adam and her mother, Carmen

Diana and Rebecca's son, Jack

On the 4-hour tour of the city, Jack sat in a 
folding chair between the driver and Matt Hunt!  
No seatbelt!

 Jack went to work in the silver mines

Our daughters, Janet and Rebecca at the family dinner

 The menfolk

 Exchanging their vows

Bouquet toss

Groom toss!

garden area at Bocamina San Ramon 
where the reception took place

First dance

Garter is off! 

The game of "snake"

Jack and Adam

Janet models her new pancho 

Janet, Michael, and Rebecca dancing

Justin & Heather Dodge, Justin Berg, and Matt Hunt
--high school friends

Justin Berg danced with all the old ladies, Lord bless him! 

The Mercado market place 

 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Till Garland

Jack on top of the world!

Diana's dad, Jose Luis and wife, Bobbie 

Our hotel 

Our two families at the rehearsal dinner 

Garter removal


Diana's dad arranged for troubadours to lead us 
around the city at night after the rehearsal dinner

The figures on the wedding cake are each holding test tubes

Time to go back home

This is the baggage claim area of the Houston airport.  I love it!


  1. Thanks for sharing. How I wish we had been there. But I can't wait for this summer!

  2. love love love! I want to relive it everyday!

  3. Thank you, Chris, for sharing these great pics- the newlyweds look so happy! and the locale- I'd visit there in a heartbeat!

  4. Love the pics, Ma! It was a great time; glad you all could be there!

  5. You are making the folks at facebook very nervous with your Google "labor of LOVE" posts!
