Friday, June 14, 2013

The Shocking Solution

                        Jon                      Adam                  Matthew

Back in 1994 when the O.J. Simpson trial was going on, Adam and his friends were 8 years old.  I overheard them trying to figure it out.  His friend Matthew said the boyfriend did it, but Adam said it would be really hard to stab yourself many, many times.  No, somebody else had to have killed that boyfriend.  Matthew nodded in the affirmative, his lips pursed and one eyebrow slightly raised.  Then Adam said he thought they should just hook O.J. up to one of those lie detector machines that gives you a shock if you tell a lie.  They all liked that idea.  

Then I poked my head in and said that I might get one of those machines for around the house.  The boys exchanged sideways glances as they pictured their mothers borrowing it.  "Uh, no...", Adam said, "I think you better hold off on that, Mom.  I heard they cost a couple million dollars."  He looked kind of sweaty.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great story! Adam was telling me about the O.J. Simpson trial. He said Matthew Hunt was there playing too, I didn't recognize him.
