Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Winsome Witness

I overheard this conversation between my 16-year-old daughter, Janet, and her friend, Lindsey.  I didn't hear Lindsey's end of the conversation, but here is what Janet said:

"You ought to go to church with me like you used to."

"Yes you are, you're still a member.  Remember that time we got confirmed and went to Kissimmee and saw the Pope?" (We were Methodists and they saw the bishop.)

"It wasn't?  Yes it was, wasn't it?"

"The Pope, you know the guy with the ring and you kiss the ring--he lives in England."

"No, I'm sure it was."

"Anyhow, then we got baptized in the lake behind the Van Dykes house, I'm sure you remember THAT."

"Remember how I slipped in the water and cut my butt, I still have a little scar there.  So you see, you are still a member.  Wanna go?"

Lindsey and Janet age 16 in 1995


  1. Wow, someone splash some holy water on me! Let's get a revival up in here!
    So you're saying I didnt meet the Pope?

  2. I think I was 14 in that picture though.....

  3. How do I get my picture like Janet ?
